• Authorship of scientific publications and contribution to research (2023)https://recercaiuniversitats.gencat.cat/en/detalls/article/Autoria-de-publicacions-cientifiques-i-contribucio-a-la-recerca

    Table of contents: Justification, Definition and determination of authorship, Order of authorship and conflicts

  • Upright – a tool for teaching research integrity by PRINTEGERhttps://printeger.eu/upright/

    Upright is an interactive educational tool on research integrity. It was developed within the Horizon 2020 project PRINTEGER. This web-based educational tool approaches research integrity from the vision that RI is more than merely following rules (What should I do?), but a matter of identity (What kind of researcher should I be?). It is freely available and can be adjusted to your own requirements under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

  • Fiction movies for RCR educationhttps://www.nrin.nl/fiction-movies-for-rcr-education/

    Fictional narratives can be very useful in exploring the tough choices scientists have to make. In this internship project for the practical assignment of the master Philosophy, Bioethics and Health at VU University Amsterdam, performed by Christiaan Grigoleit, Bob Hoogenes and Isabella Vos, they investigated the usefulness and applicability of a selection of fiction movies for RCR education.

  • Curriculum “Good Scientific Practice” by Gerlinde Sponholz, Josef Leidenfrost (2013)37 Pages

    Provider: Gerlinde Sponholz and Josef Leidenfrost
    Name and contact details for further information: Gerlinde Sponholz, Team Scientific Integrity, sponholz@scientificintegrity.de
    Type of the document: non changeable
    Target group: Academic teachers, all academic discipines
    Short descriptions and recommendations how to use: Short introduction and information about the historical background of teaching RI in Germany. Definition of teaching goals. Recommendations and detailed description of contents and competencies for RI workshops. Resources and links to official documents, case study examples and guidelines. This curriculum was developed on behalf and in cooperation with the German research Ombudsman and the German Research Foundation (DFG).
    Special commentary from the provider: The Curriculum is currently under revision (2019). It would be fine if you can share your experience with this curriculum.

  • Case Study on authorship: Dr Jones and Dr Smith4 Pages

    With kind permission of UKRIO. Topic: Authorship in academic research.

  • Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area by ESG (2015)32 Pages

    Table of contents: Foreword, Context, scope, purposes and principles, European standards and guidelines for quality assurance in higher education, Annex: Summary list of standards

  • Movie: How to become an ethical scientist by University of Leidenhttps://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/news/2016/03/film-how-to-be-an-honest-scientist

    Scientists are regularly confronted with questions of integrity. A new film teaches students how to handle this issue.

  • Singapore Statement on Research Integrity (2010)http://www.singaporestatement.org/

    The Singapore Statement on Research Integrity was developed as part of the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, 21-24 July 2010, in Singapore, as a global guide to responsible conduct of research.

  • Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals by ICMJE (2018)19 Pages

    These recommendations are intended primarily for use by authors who might submit their work for publication to ICMJE member journals.

  • Case Study on Plagiarism and Mentoring: Diane Archer1 Pages

    With kind permission by Kenneth Pimple. Topic: Plagiarism, Mentoring.

  • A Guidebook for Teaching Selected Responsible Conduct of Research Topics to a Culturally Diverse Trainee Group by M. Alexander and W. R. Williams73 Pages

    Table of contents: Introduction and Background, Summary of Results from RCR Focus Groups, Small Culturally Diverse Groups for Case-based RCR Instruction: Format and Script, Teaching Materials for Data Management, Sharing, and Ownership, Teaching Materials for Intellectual Property, Teaching Materials for Research Misconduct, Appendix Sources and Resources

  • ORI Casebook, Stories about Researcher worth discussing, Instructor’s Manual54 Pages

    Tables of contents: Foundational issues, Strategies for teaching using cases and reflection questions, Strategies for teaching using role plays, Index Case study pack can be found on: https://ori.hhs.gov/rcr-casebook-stories-about-researchers-worth-discussing

  • RCR Casebook: Stories about Researchers Worth Discussing by ORIhttps://ori.hhs.gov/rcr-casebook-stories-about-researchers-worth-discussing

    Case study packs with the following topics: Authorship and Publication, Research Misconduct, Collaboration, Data Acquisition and Management, Conflict of Interest, Peer Review, Mentor and Trainee Relationships, Social Responsibilities. An accompanying Instructors’ Manual can be found on: https://ori.hhs.gov/images/ddblock/Instructor's%20Manual_Final_edited.pdf

  • The Research Clinic – Interactive Training Video by ORI and OHRPhttps://ori.hhs.gov/the-research-clinic

    The interactive training video educates clinical and social researchers on the importance of appropriately protecting research participants and avoiding research misconduct.

  • The Lab – Interactive Movie on Research Misconduct by ORIhttps://ori.hhs.gov/thelab

    In "The Lab: Avoiding Research Misconduct," you become the lead characters in an interactive movie and make decisions about integrity in research that can have long-term consequences. The simulation addresses Responsible Conduct of Research topics such as avoiding research misconduct, mentorship responsibilities, handling of data, responsible authorship, and questionable research practices

  • ORI Introduction to the Responsible Conduct of Research by Nicholas H. Steneck (2007)184 Pages

    Table of contents: Part I: Shared Values (Rules of the Road, Research Misconduct), Part II: Planning Research (The Protection of Human Subjects, The Welfare of Laboratory Animals, Conflicts of Interest), Part III: Conducting Research (Data Management Practices, Mentor and Trainee Responsibilities, Collaborative Research), Part IV: Reporting and Reviewing Research (Authorship and Publication, Peer review), Part V: Safe Driving and Responsible Research

  • Case Study on Review process4 Pages

    With kind permission of UKRIO and Elizabeth Wagner. Topic: Using information gathering by reviewing a paper

  • Case Study on Data Management3 Pages

    With kind permission of UKRIO. Topic: Data Management (Collecting of data by someone else)

  • Case Study on Authorship3 Pages

    With kind permission of UKRIO. Topic: Authorship

  • Case Study on Informed consent4 Pages

    With kind permission of UKRIO. Topic: Informed consent.

  • Case Study on Plagiarism: Charlie West2 Pages

    With kind permission of Kenneth Pimple. Topic: Plagiarism.

  • Case Study on Changing agreements: Jenny Ito2 Pages

    With kind permission of Kenneth Pimple. Topic: Changing of agreements retropectively in studies with animals.

  • Developing a Well-Reasoned Response to a Moral Problem in Scientific Research by Muriel J. Bebeau (1995)7 Pages

    With kind permission of Kenneth Pimple. A guideline how to find out and formulate a response to the training cases.

  • Case Study on Omitting of data: Marty Brown1 Pages

    With kind permission of Kenneth Pimple. Topic: Omitting of data.

  • Case Study on Ownership of data: Jessica Banks1 Pages

    With kind permission of Kenneth Pimple. Topic: Ownership of data.

  • Case Study on Mentorship and Conflict of Interest: Bob Bailey2 Pages

    With kind permission of Kenneth Pimple. Topic: Relationship among professor and graduate student (impact on the lab team, favouritism of the graduate student).

  • Moral Reasoning in Scientific Research. Cases for Teaching and Assessment by Bebeau, et al. (1995)

    With kind permission of Kenneth Pimple. Content: Developing a Well-Reasoned Response to a Moral Problem in Scientific Research, The cases, The response sheets for each case.

  • Online Ethics Center (OEC) – Caseshttp://www.onlineethics.org/CMS/profpractice/ppcases.aspx

    List and description of cases that are at least loosely based on real incidents, in order to give a realistic impression of the moral problems that face engineers.

  • Research Integrity Practices in Science Europe Member Organisations by Science Europe (2016)50 Pages

    Table of contents: Introduction, The Survey: Rationale and Methodology, Summary of the Survey Results, Raising Awareness of Research Integrity, Research Integrity Training, Strengthening Collaboration and Monitoring Mobility, Sanctions.

  • A Guide to ethical writing by Michael Roig54 Pages

    The primary purpose of this instructional resource is to identify the various types of unethical writing practices and to derive a set of guidelines to prevent individuals from committing them.

    30 documents or links were found