Ethics Committee of the Slovak Academy of Sciences

Founding year



The Ethics Committee of the Slovak Academy of Sciences was established as the advisory board of the Presidium of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in 2006. Members of the Committee are elected by the Presidium of the Slovak Academy of Sciences for a four-year period.

ENRIO member since



The Committee evaluates all aspects concerning ethics and research integrity within the framework of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The Committee is the advisory board of the Presidium of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and does not have executive power.

The composition of the Committee covers research areas of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and assures a high level of professional and personal qualities needed. Membership in the Committee is honorary. The number of the Members of the Commission is at least 12.

Main Tasks

The Committee is involved in the assurance of ethics and research integrity aspects in the Slovak Academy of Sciences and its institutes and it deals with specific complaints of employees, students or institute managements related to ethics or research integrity within the Slovak Academy of Sciences.


The committee deals mainly with formal complaints of SAS employees or students, eventually institute management complaints related to presumable breaches of ethics and research integrity. As the first step the Committee has to decide if the complaint could be covered by the Committee and if it is the case, then the case is followed further. The judgements of the Committee are based on the framework of the Ethics code of SAS. The persons implicated are invited to the hearing session during Committee meeting to enable deeper views ensuring objectivity and equally balanced opinions. At the end the Committee decides by voting and the resulting Committee opinion is sent to concerned parties. In specific cases the Committee opinion could be submitted to the Presidium of the Slovak Academy of Sciences enabling thus a regulatory decision of governing body if needed.

Promoting Research Integrity

The Committee prepared and updated (last change in 2015) the Ethics code of SAS based on The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (ALLEA) as well as on The European Charter & Code for Researchers. This Code delineates basic principles of ethical conduct and research integrity within the Slovak Academy of Sciences and its institutes. The Code is approved by the Presidium of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and published on the website of the Academy.


Zuzana Panczová, PhD.

Vice president of the Slovak Academy of Sciences

Štefánikova 49
814 38 Bratislava

+421 2 57510 180