ENRIO meeting
Stockholm (Sweden), 04 - 05 October 2018
Stockholm, Sweden
Nicole Foeger, Austria
Jörgen Sviden, Sweden
Central Ethical Review Board (CEPN)
ENRIO Meeting Stockholm
The Central Ethical Review Board (CEPN) kindly invited ENRIO to hold its bi-annual meeting on the 4th and 5th October, 2018 in Stockholm.
The meeting started with internal working group sessions on the topics Whistleblowing and Training.
After the internal working groups the official part of the meeting begun. Nicole Foeger (Chair of ENRIO) welcomed the participants and thanked Jörgen Sviden (CEPN) for hosting this meeting. Jörgen Sviden reported on the status of the ongoing activities and gave an overview about the new system for dealing with alleged research misconduct in Sweden, which will likely be enforced in September 2019.
The Luxembourg Agency for Research Integrity (LARI) and the French Office for Research Integrity (OFIS) were welcomed as new ENRIO member organisations. More information about the new members can be found on www.enrio.eu/members.
Katrina Bramstedt (LARI) gave a presentation about the Luxembourg Agency for Research Integrity, which was founded in 2016. The tasks of LARI is to promote RCR through different methods: education, coaching, consultation and investigation. For more information, please visit: https://lari.lu/.
In her presentation about the French Office for Research Integrity (OFIS) Joelle Alnot introduced the history and the main tasks. These are being a platform of reflection, having an observation function and a leadership role. More information about OFIS can be found on https://www.hceres.fr/PRESENTATION/Organisation/Office-francais-de-l-integrite-scientifique.
Martin von Arx from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) provided information on how the SNSF is dealing with cases of research misconduct and proposed measures to improve the Swiss scientific system in regard of RI. More information about the SNSF can be found on: http://www.snf.ch/en/theSNSF/research-policies/scientific-integrity/Pages/default.aspx.
The European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA) was presented by Nik Claesen (EARMA). The purpose of EARMA is to promote excellent research by supporting their members in their profession as Research Managers and Administrators. To achieve this goal, EARMA facilitates best practices and information exchange, provides training and certification and represents Research Managers and Administrators to the stakeholders and EU institutions. Find more information about EARMA on https://www.earma.org/.
Swiss RI programmes and the work of the IRAFPA Institute were introduced by Michelle Bergadaa. IRAFPA stands for the International Institute for Research and Action on Academic Fraud and Plagiarism. More information on https://www.enrio.eu/news-activities/international-institute-for-research-and-action-on-academic-fraud-and-plagiarism-irafpa/.
Furthermore, Nicole Foeger (Chair of ENRIO) gave an update on the EU-Project European Network of Research Ethics and Research Integrity (ENERI) and on the recent developments relevant for ENRIO.
The second day of the meeting started with the election of the new chair. Sanna Kaisa Spoof (TENK) was unanimously elected by the ENRIO members. The recent board consisting of Nicole Foeger, Torkild Vinther and Asael Rouby resigned. Krista Varantola (TENK) thanked the resigned board for their great commitment in developing ENRIO on behalf of Sanna Kaisa Spoof and introduced the visions of Sanna Kaisa Spoof for ENRIO.
In his presentation „Handbook: Investigation of Research Misconduct“ Torkild Vinther (Etikkom) gave an overview about the content of the Handbook. The Handbook was developed by members of the Working Group Investigation as part of the ENERI project. It will be published soon.
Torunn Ellefsen (Etikkom) refered to a national survey in Norway: RINO – Research Integrity in Norway and informed about the main findings of the report. The next part of the RINO project will seek insight into institutional and cultural factors that may promote good research ethical culture.
In her speech „How to use fiction movies in education on responsible conduct of research“ Fenneke Blom (NRIN) gave insights on the use of movies, on practical and legal issues and shared her first experiences.
Anni Sairio (TENK) introduced an online Guide to Research Integrity, Research Ethics and Science Communication in Finland. The Responsible Research website (www.responsibleresearch.fi) provides information about best practices and facilitates responsible conduct of research throughout the lifespan of a research project.
The meeting closed with internal discussions and an exchange of experiences.