1st EARMA Thematic Group: Ethics and Research Integrity


9 March 2018


Brussels, Belgium

On Friday 9th of March 2018, EARMA and the European Commission co-hosted a workshop on ethics and research integrity. It was the launch of the EARMA thematic group on this subject. The new group of practitioners (ERION: Research Ethics and Integrity Officers Network) will focus on the exchange of best practices for issues as, for example, how do you deal with ethics and research integrity at your organisation and what information can we share as a community to help improve the day-to-day reality. Discussing the latest information and developments, ERION will work on solutions to deal with the ever evolving requirements and how to confidently help your organisation handle Ethics or Integrity issues.

More information about the EARMA thematic group can be found www.earma.org.


About EARMA (European Association of Research Managers and Administrators):

EARMA is an active member of the wider international RM&A community and is a founding member of the International Network of Research Management Societies (INORMS) and The Leiden Group of European RMA Associations.


Information from the EARMA website.