Lithuanian Responsible Research Barometer 2020 published

Office of the Ombudsperson for Academic Ethics and Procedures of the Republic of Lithuania has published the results  of  the  study  “Responsible  Research  Barometer  2020”.

The purpose of the study was to review the current practice of the conduct of scientific research and publication of its results in  Lithuanian  universities,  colleges,  and  research  institutes  through  the  lenses  of  academic  ethics. The doctoral students and researchers (lecturers, scientists and other researchers working in the institutions) were  invited  to  take  part  in  the  survey.  It was  analysed  how  much  attention  the  Lithuanian academic community gives to education about research and publication ethics (RPE), how ethical sensitivity manifests in the academic community, what RPE malpractices are noticed in the academic environment, and how they are solved.

The report can be found here (English text starts from p. 25).